As Virginians focus on health, family and financial concerns due to the coronavirus, it might be easy to forget the Republican Primary on Tuesday, June 23. The only race on the ballot is to select our Republican nominee – Alissa Baldwin, Daniel Gade or Tom Speciale – who will challenge and defeat Democrat Senator Mark Warner in November.
Virginia has open primaries, which means any registered voter may vote in the Republican primary. It is imperative that Republican voters turn out and not allow Democrats to choose our candidate for us!
On May 2, the Fairfax GOP hosted a forum with all three Republican U.S. Senate candidates, which provided valuable insight into their positions and priorities. If you missed it, you can still watch online.
New Voter Registration Deadline: May 26, 11:59 PM
Absentee Voting by Mail
“Curbside” Absentee Voting
Voting on June 23
Election Officers Needed (Updated Filing Deadline: June 11)
There is a shortage of Republican election officers for the June 23 Primary — if you can serve, submit your application here. If you know friends, neighbors, or college students who might be interested, please share this information with them. The Office of Elections offers online training, and election officers are paid $175 for the day. Election officer assignments will be made ASAP so please submit applications at your very earliest convenience.
Watch the Fairfax GOP’s U.S. Senate Primary Forum: