Fairfax County Republican Party

Become a Member

Fairfax GOP has two membership types.

The Fairfax County Republican Committee (FCRC) operates on a 2-year term cycle.  

Voting Member

Voting members take an active role in deciding the future of the Fairfax County Republican Committee.
  • General membership meeting attendance requirement (members lose voting privileges after three consecutive missed meetings
  • Supports the official, endorsed candidates of the Republican Party
  • Volunteers in support of precinct operations
  • Votes on intraparty business

Associate Member

Associate members participate in events, training sessions, and Get Out The Vote activities
  • No general membership meeting atttendance requirement
  • Supports the official, endorsed candidates of the Republican Party
  • Volunteers in support of precinct operations


  • You must live in Fairfax County, and be a registered voter in Fairfax County. Please note that Fairfax City and Falls Church City have separate Republican Committees.
  • You MUST be willing to pledge support for the Republican Party slate of candidates.

Party rules require that we meet once a quarter. The Chairman schedules meetings based on the business needs of the FCRC, and we typically meet two months out of three. To make the meetings reasonably convenient for everyone, locations are rotated, generally in the central part of the County.

The date and location of each meeting is announced at least ten days in advance. Announcements are made via email, and meeting dates and locations are posted on the Fairfax GOP website. We almost always meet in a public school facility because of the low cost and the need for seating for several hundred people.

Meetings are almost always held on a weeknight. Members sit with other members from their Magisterial District, which creates a great opportunity to get to know other Republicans from your part of the county.

Members receive reports on the various activities of the Committee. They hear from candidates, elected officials and others who are working on behalf of the Party or affiliated organizations. They learn about upcoming grassroots events and volunteer opportunities. They vote on the budget, the operations plan, and other matters that require the approval of the entire Committee membership.

Two hours at most. Doors open at 7 pm. We try very hard to adjourn the business meeting by 9 pm so that members can get home at a reasonable time.

For more information, including committee bi-laws, and the membership meeting proxy form, please read our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).  Contact membership@fairfaxgop.org or our office at (703) 766-4467.

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