Get Active In 2024

Election Officers & Pollwatchers

Sign Up To Be A Republican Election Officer at the Polls.

Are you concerned about the security of our elections? Do you ever worry that your vote might not count?

You CAN do something about it. You can sign up to be an Election Officer.
  • Paid $250/day
  • Training available through Fairfax Co. Board of Elections
  • Accommodations available for persons with disabilities
By serving as an Election Officer, you can help ensure that these elections run smoothly and that every Republican vote counts.

To learn more or to apply, email us directly at

Let's show our commitment to a secure electoral process and serve our community by becoming Election Officers.

Chairman Gorka Issues A Call

Democrat Election Officers outnumber Republican Election Officers 2-1 in Fairfax County. We need Republicans to sign up and balance the ratio 1-1.


The Fairfax GOP is hard at work to support fair and honest elections in our County. We want to make it easy to vote but hard to cheat!

Interested?  Sign up today to be an Election Officer or Poll Watcher. You can even serve in both roles, just at different times.  Volunteer for 3-hour shifts as a Poll Watcher for the Fairfax GOP for early voting through November 2, and then work for Fairfax County as an Election Officer on Election Day, November 5.

How can I sign up to work as a Republican Election Officer in Fairfax County?

1) Sign up with Fairfax County (

2) Contact Andi Bayer, the Fairfax GOP Election Officer Outreach Coordinator at to let her know you’ve signed up. She will need to approve your application for the Party.

3) Election Officers work in one of the precinct polling places on election day

How do I sign up to volunteer as a Republican Poll Watcher in Fairfax County?

1) Email

2) Poll Watchers work in several places throughout the 45 day Election Season:

  • In satellite polling places for early voting in-person
  • In one of the precinct polling places on election day
  • At the Central Absentee Precinct in the Fairfax County Government Center
  • At recording, tabulating and canvassing of results
  • At hand counts and late vote processing

Why should you work as an Election Officer?

Virginia election law says that there should be equal numbers of Republican and Democrat election officers in precincts.  In 2023 in Fairfax County, due to the hard work of both the Fairfax County Office of Elections and the Fairfax GOP, we are closer to parity than ever before, but...we still need more applicants to reach 50% Republican Election Officers. Can you help us reach our goal?


If you have more questions, please email or, or call us at 703-397-8129.

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The Fairfax GOP is recruiting new members who agree we need to draw a line in the sand and take our county back from the progressives.

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