Volunteers Needed to Save Virginia

On Tuesday, November 7th, the eyes of the nation will be on Virginia. “Though Youngkin is not on the ballot this year, the election will be a referendum on many of the policies the former Carlyle Group executive has championed,” according to CNN’s Arit John.

With strong Republican majorities in the Virginia Senate and House of Delegates, Governor Youngkin’s reform agenda can become a reality. Everything — from tax relief and economic growth to parents’ rights and restoring high educational standards — is at stake this November.

“If Republicans fall short, it will get harder to repeal public-sector collective bargaining, since unions will become more powerful with every passing year. It may be now or never to stop Virginia from becoming a wholly owned union subsidiary like Illinois,” warns John Tillman, CEO of the American Culture Project.

Here in Fairfax County, we have 16 candidates running for seats in the Virginia General Assembly — and every county-level office is up for election as well. Click here to visit our Voter Info Tool, where you can see exactly who is running where you live.

Between now and November 7th, the Fairfax GOP urgently needs volunteers — from handing out literature at Back-to-School Nights and various festivals to serving as election officers and greeting voters (early voting begins September 22nd). If you are possibly interested in any of the following, please email us to learn more:

You can volunteer as little or as much as you’d like — whatever you do is truly appreciated, and you don’t have to do it alone. Together, let’s turn our county and our commonwealth around. We look forward to hearing from you!

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