The criminal gang known as MS-13 is known for its brutality. A large number of its members are illegal aliens from El Salvador and they have committed many horrendously brutal murders in the United States. They traffic in young girls and use them to make money from prostitution. Drug trafficking is another favorite pass time for these animals.
The Post and other media outlets, including Breitbart News, have connected that the increase in MS-13 crime has been fueled by the more than 200,000 unaccompanied minors who have been relocated to communities across the country, including 5,000 who have been placed in Prince George’s County since 2012. Read the full story from Breitbart News …
Here in Fairfax County we have a serious problem because our police officers have been instructed by the Chiefs of Police since at least 2008 to NOT inquire about citizenship at traffic stops. Even if a man has MS-13 tatooed across his forehead, they are not allowed to ask. To make matters worse, if an MS-13 gang member is in the Fairfax County jail for a nonviolent crime, the Sheriff Stacey Kincaid has decided she will not hold that illegal alien past his release date even if Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents make that request, unless that request is accompanied by a judge’s order. And, of course, the Democrats on the Fairfax Board of Supervisors are just fine with this state of affairs.
The result is that Fairfax is becoming more dangerous by the day. But, we are not alone as the fanatical wave of Democrat inspired disdain for Americans rolls across our fruited plain. The article associated with the Breitbart link , “Maryland Teachers, Students Live in Fear of MS-13 Middle Schoolers”, shows just how bad it’s gotten in our backyard. And it won’t get better with Democrats in charge saying they prefer a “welcoming community” over a safe one.