Nathan Brinkman, a father of two school-aged kids in Arlington County, was recently on WMAL to discuss the latest threat to educational freedom here in Virginia. Delegate David L. Bulova (D-Fairfax) has introduced a bill that would abolish the Commonwealth’s Education Improvement Scholarships Tax Credit (EISTC) program. Currently, more than 4,000 low-income and special needs families benefit from the program Delegate Bulova would abolish.
“The plain reading of what’s going here is that Delegate Bulova is supported by the Virginia Education Association — the teachers union — and he’s working to destroy any competition,” WMAL co-host Vince Coglianese lamented.
“They want, effectively, a monopoly on education,” Mr. Brinkman noted. “If they were so confident in the quality of education provided, why would they fear giving parents choices?”