Fairfax GOP Chairman joined WMAL’s O’Connor and Company to discuss the radicalism of Democrats on the county’s school board. Much of the conversation focused on the antics of school board members who used controversial books instead of the Bible or other sacred texts during last week’s swearing-in ceremony.
Karl Frisch (D-Providence) took the oath of office with his hand placed on top of a stack of highly controversial, sexually-explicit books. Rachna Sizemore-Heizer (D-Braddock) used the anti-American A People’s History of the United States for her swearing-in. Kyle McDaniel (D-Springfield) used a book that, he later admitted, he never even read.
School board members’ left-wing virtue signaling is a distraction from real educational issues, Knotts told WMAL’s co-hosts on Monday. “It’s difficult to raise test scores; it’s difficult to educate kids; it’s difficult to have good citizens and human beings coming out of this broken school system that we have,” the chairman said. “That’s hard — they don’t want to do that so they’d rather focus on other things.”