Governor Youngkin Vetos Election Bill While Democrats Push For Tax Hikes

The legislative session is drawing to a close, and late on Friday, Governor Youngkin used his veto authority to reject several bills that were passed along partisan lines. The Fairfax GOP’s Election Integrity team has worked tirelessly to fight for secure elections, and lobbied successfully for the veto of a Democrat-sponsored bill that would have resumed Virginia’s participation in the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC). If you were one of our many supporters who called or emailed the Governor’s office to urge this veto, thank you! Virginia Mercury reporter Graham Moomaw outlines the vetoes and other key pieces of legislation signed on Friday here, Youngkin Signs Marriage Equality Measure, Takes Tougher Line Against Gun Control.

The Backwards Budget

The other big news out on Friday was the Democrats’ refusal to consider Governor Youngkin’s sports arena deal for Alexandria while calling for a massive $2.5 billion in tax increases. The Virginia Mercury’s Nathaniel Cline covers the stalemate here, Youngkin: Legislature Flouting ‘Broad Bipartisan Support’ In Excluding Arena From State Budget.

From the Governor:

During my first two years as Governor, we passed $5 billion in tax relief, created more than 200,000 jobs, attracted iconic businesses to relocate to Virginia, and made record investments in students, teachers, behavioral health, and law enforcement – all in a bipartisan manner. 

I was hopeful that Democrats would work with us to continue that bipartisan success. Unfortunately, Virginia Democrats chose an entirely different direction that will undo all the progress we’ve made. 

They just released a backward budget that takes Virginia back to past policies that failed the Commonwealth before I took office. Their budget includes $2.6 billion in tax hikes that will hurt lower-income Virginians the most. They want to expand the sales tax, which would amount to a $2 billion tax increase. They also want to impose an energy tax on Virginians to the tune of $600 million, meaning your electric bill will go up.

What can you do? Contact your State Senator and Delegate and tell them, “no new taxes!”. Find your elected representatives by entering your address in the search field at this link,

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