Family Life Education: May 24 meeting, June 8 comment deadline

Updated with New Actions…

The Chairman At Bat


The Fairfax County School Board is about to declare that biological sex is meaningless!

That’s right. The majority of School Board members appear ready to approve and green-light radical recommendations received from its “Family Life Education Curriculum Advisory Committee” (FLECAC), including:

  • Replace the term “biological sex” with “sex assigned at birth”? Check!
  • Teach children they aren’t born male or female? Check!
  • Delete “Abstinence is the only 100% effective method for prevention of sexually transmitted infections”? Check!
  • Remove the offensive word “clergy” as a trusted adult? Check!
  • Embed “gender fluidity” as the new social construct? Check!


1) Send your comments to the FLE (Sex Ed) Curriculum by Friday June 8, to The comment period begins at 8 a.m. on May 10, 2018 and continues through close of business on June 8, 2018. All comments received during the comment period will be shared with School Board members prior to the vote on the recommendations June 14, 2018. More info at

2) You can also email the 12 school board members and/or meet with them in person to let them know how you feel about the changes in the FLE (Sex Ed) Curriculum (see for contact info).

3) Plan to attend the next 2 School Board meetings! 7pm Thursday May 24, and 7pm Thursday June 14 when they take the  vote.


There’s a School Board election next year. We’re building a record to unseat them.

The full FLECAC recommendations and a summary presentation of them are available here and here.

The FCRC has posted here the dissenting opinion to the FLECAC recommendations, prepared by committee members who disagreed with the majority of FLECAC members.

The Fairfax County School Board is dragging us into their Brave New World—with your money. Billions of dollars of your money.

With over $3 billion taxpayer dollars at the School Board’s disposal, the residents of Fairfax County need to question just who is responsible for educating nearly 190,000 children in our schools. Do parents have the primary role in their child’s education or is it a governing School Board of 12 members detached and removed from all known objective truth and reality?

Of course, both parents and the school board have a role to play in educating children, as do teachers, coaches, ministers, mentors, brothers and sisters, friends, etc. (Well, not ‘ministers’—the Family Life Education (“Sex Ed”) committee’s recommendation to the School Board removes the word “clergy” from the list of trusted adults, because that word is simply too offensive for young people to hear.)

So, WHO is RESPONSIBLE for educating a child? The teacher? The coach? The minister? The brother or sister? The friend? The school administrator? The school board? Or the parents who brought the child into this world and live with and nurture the child 365 days a year until the child has developed the means to live independently?

As has been the case throughout the history of civilization, the answer to this question of responsibility for a child’s education is unquestionable:  PARENTS (or, in some cases, designated guardians) are responsible for a child’s upbringing and education.

So why is the Fairfax County School Board excluding or minimizing parental involvement in the adoption of controversial policies and practices in the Fairfax County Public Schools that undermine the values of substantial numbers, and likely the majority, of parents?

Note School Board member Elizabeth Schultz’s (Springfield District) challenge to the Board to involve more parents at the School Board meeting on May 10 (3:08.30 in the video below):

Does the School Board really think most parents want their middle and high school children sharing bathroom and locker room facilities with members of the opposite sex?

Does the School Board really think most parents want their middle and high school girls competing with physically stronger boys in contact sports?

Does the School Board really think most parents want teachers to introduce their middle schoolers to concepts of “sexual fluidity”?

The 10 Democrats who control the 12-member School Board don’t seem to care a whit about what parents think about their unilateral intrusion into these areas of parental responsibility.

The Democrat School Board’s disregard for parents and residents isn’t limited to the ever-expanding Sex Ed curriculum. It has a long record of resolutely marginalizing or flat-out ignoring the community on such wide-ranging topics as school renamings, teacher pay, forced busing of children away from neighborhood schools, socially-engineered school boundary changes, minority and special education student achievement, and class size.

The Democrat School Board is forcing its will upon parents, the majority of whom are unaware and unsuspecting of how schools are undermining their influence with their children.

Please Note, Fellow Residents:  Democrat Officials Are Wrecking Fairfax County!


We must take it upon ourselves to find out what’s going on in our schools and advocate for parents to receive their rightful and governing say in how their children are being educated.


(Photo caption:  Tim Hannigan, Chairman of the Fairfax County Republican Committee [Cavalieri Photo])

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