George Mason University’s highly respected law school has recently come under attack. The Virginia House Republicans came to the law school’s defense with a petition for support:
“In case you missed it, the left has been launching attacks on the reputation of George Mason University for not falling in line with their ideological agenda. Now the latest smear campaign is going after GMU’s conservative donors.
The Wall Street Journal’s Editorial Board recently denounced the left’s trashing of George Mason University [see “The Trashing of George Mason University – The left gangs up on the school for having conservative professors”]:
‘Progressives dominate all but a few corners of American academia, but apparently they want it all. Witness the political and media assault on George Mason University, an island of intellectual diversity in Northern Virginia that has committed the sin of accepting money from conservative donors.’
The fight isn’t going away anytime soon.
If you stand for George Mason’s right to free speech, click here to sign our petition. Support free speech for conservative thought.”
Jeff Dove, Republican candidate for the 11th District, defended George Mason University and turned the criticism back onto the law school’s detractors:
Jeff Dove 11th District Republican Candidate
“Like all Americans and American institutions, George Mason University is entitled to the natural right of free speech. As one of the institutions of higher education in our district, I will fight for that right. Once again, it’s not the responsibility of the ‘court of public opinion’ or the media to dictate the legal policies of private individuals and organizations.”
Dove added, “George Mason University has the right to hire whomever they deem appropriate, and accept whatever funding they want through all legal and appropriate channels. If Democrats and leftist groups are so concerned about ‘dark money’ (regardless, not relevant to GMU as it is a private university, not an election or elected individual), perhaps they should focus on the financing irregularities that have plagued the DNC since 2015.”