Incumbent Congresswoman Barbara Comstock defeated challenger Shak Hill in the primary to be the Republican nominee for the House of Representatives from Virginia’s 10th Congressional District. The unofficial vote results posted by the Virginia Department of Elections follow:
10th Congressional District
Barbara Comstock: 28,274 (60.71%)
Shak Hill: 18,301 (39.29%)
Fairfax County Part of 10th Congressional District
Barbara Comstock: 9,166 (69.72%)
Shak Hill: 3,981 (30.28%)
Corey Stewart, the Chairman of the Prince William County Board of Supervisors, won the hotly contested race for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senator, beating out Delegate Nick Freitas and E.W. Jackson.
Statewide Results
Corey Stewart: 136,460 (44.86%)
Nick Freitas: 131,157 (43.12%)
E.W. Jackson: 36,570 (12.02%)
Fairfax County Results
Corey Stewart: 18,213 (49.44%)
Nick Freitas: 13,547 (36.77%)
E.W. Jackson: 5,079 (13.79%)
Congratulations to the winners. Many thanks to all other contestants for their spirited efforts to advance Republican principles and policies.
The long Republican primary season—with its inherent airing of political differences among Republicans—is over. The time has now come for all Republicans to unite behind our nominees and work vigorously to help them defeat the Democrats in November’s general election. Fairfax County Republican Committee must focus unflagging energy on accomplishing that mission over the next five months.
(Photo credit: United States Congress ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons)