Category: Election Integrity

Monthly Trends in Voter Registrations

EO 14019 DATA ANALYSES OF NVRA 2020-2024 TRENDS FAIRFAX COUNTY VOTER REGISTRATIONS [This report will be updated monthly. September totals may show significant increases.] In light of Presidential EO 14019…
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Election Integrity Button

Act Today On Key Election Integrity Bills!

Fairfax GOP Election Integrity Team The deadline for “cross-over”, when bills that pass either the House or Senate “cross over” to the other chamber for a vote, is Tuesday, February…
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Election Integrity: Voter Rolls and Chain of Custody

The Fairfax GOP Election Integrity Working Group (EIWG) is organized into teams who recruit Republican election officers; organize the Poll Watcher operation; obtain chain-of-custody documentation; analyze election results and voter…
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Virginia Was Justified in Its Decision to Leave ERIC

Good news, Virginians! Virginia has withdrawn its membership from the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), a non-profit, multi-state partnership that purports to keep voter rolls ‘clean and updated,’ but could better…
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Against Ranked-Choice Voting

In a March 21 general meeting, the Fairfax GOP membership passed a resolution opposing ranked-choice voting. The full text of the resolution follows: WHEREAS, On January 27, 2023 the Republican…
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