On April 12, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors will hear comments from the public regarding the FY 2023 Advertised Budget. As Supervisor Pat Herrity (R-Springfield) has warned, the board’s advertised budget would result in 9.5 percent increase in taxes incurred by the average homeowner.
Fairfax GOP Vice Chairwoman Srilekha Palle will address the county board April 12, urging them to hold the line on real estate taxes. “I need you all to understand that the highest increases are on the lower-value properties—townhomes, primarily—the people who can least afford it,” Palle intends to remind supervisors.
Palle is currently scheduled to be the 37th member of the public to comment on April 12 — if you’d like to come out and support her call for local tax rate cuts, the budget hearing will be held in the Fairfax County Government Center (12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, Virginia 22035) starting at 4:00 PM.