By Amanda Morris
Fairfax and Loudoun County Republicans gathered in Herndon to protest outside a joint town hall held by Senator Jennifer Boysko (D-33) and Delegate Ibraheem Samirah (D-86) on Saturday, May 11. Around thirty people gathered with signs protesting Ms. Boysko’s co-sponsorship of the barbaric abortion bill that would have permitted infanticide, put forward by Delegate Kathy Tran (D-42) this winter. Protesters also held US and Israeli flags, showing solidarity for Israel, in light of Mr. Samirah’s reprehensible comments describing support for Israel as “worse” than support for the Ku Klux Klan. While the media does its best to make sure these controversies are buried, Republicans from Fairfax and Loudoun were there to make sure that Ms. Boysko and Mr. Samirah know the voters remember.
When Mr. Samirah was running for his position in a special election this February, he at first touted Ms. Boysko’s enthusiastic endorsement on his campaign’s Facebook page. When his anti-Semitic statements came to light, her endorsement and a smiling photograph of the two together disappeared from his page with no explanation. Whatever her misgivings at the time, Ms. Boysko seems to have made peace with Mr. Samirah’s offensive comments. Hunter Mill Democrat-endorsed school board candidate Melanie Meren has also eagerly touted Mr. Samirah’s endorsement. It appears that whatever concern Northern Virginia Democrats may hold regarding anti-Semitic speech does not extend to that of their own caucus.
Ms. Boysko will face Leesburg Town Councilwoman Suzanne Fox in November. To find out if you live in the 33rd State Senate District, check your address here.
Amanda Morris chairs the Fairfax GOP’s Hunter Mill District Committee (follow @HunterMillGOP on Twitter).