Paul Beran — husband, father, businessman, and volunteer — is the Fairfax GOP nominee for District Supervisor in Franconia (formerly known as Lee). Beran served as a county Democrat spokesman for 10 years (1973-1983) and in 2013 was invited to join the Obama White House Business Council.
President/CEO of Advertel, Inc., Beran has assisted numerous candidates on both sides of the aisle. Politically independent for most of his life, Beran says that he likes to focus on the “qualities of the individual candidate, and not on party affiliation.” Now running as a Republican, in a district that leans Democrat, Beran trusts voters to evaluate him the same way.
A perpetual optimist, Beran discusses “bad news” only to arrive at real solutions for the betterment of his district. Some areas of improvement the candidate has identified include the following:
At his website,, the candidate outlines several initiatives to bring more tourism and business to Franconia. Beran’s ideas include a “Great American Walk-of-Fame” along Richmond Highway, and branding the Franconia District as “Washington’s Backyard.”
Beren recently sat down for a wide-ranging interview with Mina Kim, wherein the first-time candidate discusses his own background and his vision of reform — and in particular, his determination to bring “good news” to Franconia voters.
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