Candidate Fires Up Crowd of 100 GOP Faithful
Srilekha Palle, the Fairfax GOP’s nominee for Sully District Supervisor, introduced herself to voters Tuesday night. Addressing more than 100 at last night’s Fairfax GOP meeting, Ms. Palle vowed to focus on taxes, education and quality of life issues.
“I will be a voice for everyone who is fed up with high taxes, crazy traffic, ridiculous tolls, and schools that often disregard family values,” Ms. Palle said this morning. “In short, we need a government that works for us – not against us. And that is why I’m running.”
The full text of Ms. Palle’s statement follows:
“I will be a voice for everyone who is fed up with high taxes, crazy traffic, ridiculous tolls, and schools that often disregard family values.
“We need county government to live within its means – we are taxed enough already.
“We need a real traffic relief strategy – not just higher tolls, which only add insult to injury.
“And we need schools that are focused on student achievement – not indoctrination.
“In short, we need a government that works for us – not against us. And that is why I’m running.”
Srilekha Palle is the Republican nominee for Sully District Supervisor in Fairfax County, Virginia. Follow her on Twitter: @PalleForSully.