Kevin Pinkney and his wife, Linda, are the proud parents of five children — three are now graduates of Fairfax County Public Schools and two are still enrolled in the system. “I care deeply about the excellence of our schools and the success of our students,” Pinkney says. “That is why I’m running to be Franconia District Representative on the Fairfax County Public School Board and ask for your support.”
A graduate of Harvard Law School, Pinkney has worked in private practice for 20 years. Pinkney has spent his career listening to clients’ needs, respectfully sharing ideas, and crafting solutions to complex issues — all skills that are sorely needed on today’s Fairfax County School Board.
“Over the past few years, I watched with concern as FCPS lowered academic standards and became distracted by social movements and fads that do not advance education, and that bring division and rancor. This has hampered academic excellence,” Pinkney says. “Our students lost ground at the same time students in neighboring school districts and across Virginia saw improvement. As a parent of current FCPS students, I will bring energy and creativity to put students, families, and teachers first in all decision-making.”
At his website, the candidate thoughtfully addresses a wide array of issues, ranging from academic excellence and parental rights to school safety and fiscal responsibility. Visit to learn more, donate, or volunteer.
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