Galdo for Chairman | Press Release
Joe Galdo, Fairfax GOP nominee for Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, today rolled out his plans to restore fiscal discipline and start cutting taxes. “As Chairman, I will always put taxpayers first,” Galdo told dozens of supporters at the annual Fairfax County Taxpayers Alliance luncheon.
Galdo unveiled a seven-point plan, designed to halt and reverse the current trend of swelling county budgets and rising tax bills:
“The status quo is not sustainable, nor is it morally defensible,” Galdo said. “We can’t expect taxpayers to fork over more and more, year after year. I understand that government exists to serve the people – not the other way around.”
Joe Galdo is the Fairfax GOP nominee for Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. Follow him on Twitter: @GaldoForChair.