Glenn Youngkin issued the following statement on August 12, 2021, following Governor Northam’s mask mandate for Virginia students.
Today, political outsider, successful business leader, and Republican nominee for governor Glenn Youngkin issued the following statement on the Virginia Department of Health’s statewide mask mandate for K-12 schools:
“With today’s student mask mandate announcement, Ralph Northam, Terry McAuliffe and Richmond liberals have made clear that they will stop at nothing to impose their will and take away parents’ ability to decide what’s best for our kids. Make no mistake about it, this mask mandate is the first step towards returning to a full shutdown of our economy.
“We must respect parents’ right to decide what is best for their own children. If parents, teachers, and children want to wear a mask, they absolutely should do that, but there should not be a statewide school mask mandate.”
In addition to his opposition to statewide school mask mandates, Youngkin has repeatedly expressed his objection to vaccine passports and vaccine mandates. Youngkin has chosen to get the vaccine and believes that Virginians have the right to decide for themselves whether or not to get vaccinated based on their personal circumstances.
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