George Soros, 89, Is Still on a Quest to Destroy America

Image Credit: World Economic Forum / Michael Wuertenberg, CC BY-SA 2.0

By Cheryl Chumley | The Washington Times

George Soros is 89 years old, but by gosh, before he dies, he’s going to see to the internal destruction of America.

At least that’s how it seems.

How else can we listen to his words in Davos, Switzerland, track his funding of American political races and pay attention to what he says about President Donald Trump, capitalism, and the leftist causes he backs and the leftist Open Society Foundations he runs, and come to any other conclusion?

In the last few years, Soros has taken to trying to take over local law enforcement agencies by pumping massive amounts of money into candidates he favors in key district attorney races.

“George Soros’ quiet overhaul of the US justice system,” Politico reported, way back in August of 2016.

It continues in present day.

“PAC funded by George Soros pumps nearly $1 million into local races for prosecutor,” The Washington Post reported in June, about the money from the Justice and Public Safety PAC that went to the left-leaners of both Arlington County, Virginia, and Fairfax County, Virginia, commonwealth’s attorney races.’

“Soros Adds Intrigue and $800,000 to D.A. Race, Backing Progressive,” The New York Times reported in November.

The district attorney’s office is one of the first local lines of defense of the Constitution and the rule of law. That means the potential for immediate progressive impact is huge — and it’s an impact that can be had without all that costly political fighting over, say, a senator’s seat, or a Supreme Court slot.

Buying D.A. seats gives you good bang for the buck, in other words. And oftentimes, quietly, unbeknownst to those who might oppose.

That doesn’t mean Soros isn’t busily buying into congressional races, too. or the media. Or — and this, particularly in recent months — the grassroots.

Democracy Alliance, a nonprofit founded in 2005 to advance a progressive vision throughout America, and funded by wealthy elites, recently shifted its charitable giving strategy from think tanks in high-powered Washington, D.C., to small, mostly unknown groups in various communities. Why?

Call it — once again — under-the-radar influence.

Politico in 2018 described the process: “Kevin Rodriguez, a 19-year-old aspiring singer in tight jeans and gray-and-white Nike high tops, had never heard of the powerful progressive donor group Democracy Alliance. But he is a key part of the secretive billionaire club’s plot to flip the Sun Belt. The donor clique, which counts George Soros and Tom Steyer among its members, is quietly giving funds to a handful of local grassroots groups like Rodriguez’s employer, Living United for Change in Arizona.”

It’s a strategy aimed at quietly taking down President Donald Trump, one “new voter in rapidly diversifying states across the southern U.S.” at a time, as Politico wrote.

It’s a strategy that skirts the enemy’s knowledge, and therefore, oftentimes, the enemy’s win.

And it’s a strategy that takes full advantage of dark money-type donations that are difficult to track and even more difficult to thwart.

It’s one thing for Soros to take his hatred of this president and his disdain for free market America to the public stage — as he just did in Davos, when he criticized Trump as a “con man” whose “narcissism” has turned “into a malignant disease,” as CNBC reported.

It’s another for Soros to slide, on the sly, his anti-American influences deep into America’s politics and culture. And now: education.

In Davos, he announced the infusion of $1 billion into a new Open Society University Network to fund schools around the world — to “educate against nationalism,” is how the Financial Times reported it.

In other words: to train the next generation in the evils of sovereignty — to teach the emerging youth how to become good obedient citizens of the world.

Soros calls it his “most important and enduring project” ever. No wonder. It truly could be. If successful, it could mean the collapse of borders, the implementation of world government, the end of America as we know it.

If children are the hope of the future, America’s children must be educated on the greatness of America — before it becomes too late and America, as a sovereign nation, hasn’t any future at all.

This article was first published by The Washington Times on January 25, 2020. Follow Cheryl Chumley on Twitter: @ckchumley

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