We provide several convenient forms and links for you to participate as a member of the Fairfax County Republican Committee and as a Fairfax Virginia voter.
Fairfax County Republican Committee Plan of Organization (as amended Feb 23, 2016)
Republican Party Of Virginia Party Plan
FCRC 2018 Membership Application
FCRC Meeting Attendance Proxy Form
Am I eligible to vote? Determine your eligibility to vote in Virginia
How do I register to vote? Register to Vote in Virginia
What ID do I need to bring when I’m voting? Learn about Virginia’s voter photo ID requirements
I changed my address – how do I update my voter registration? Update your voter registration,
Where do I apply for an absentee ballot? Apply to vote absentee
Where I go to vote in my precinct polling place? View your voter-related information
Which districts do I live in? Find which districts you live in for your Congressional, State Senate, House of Delegates, and Election (Magisterial) Districts
What are the accommodations for accessible voting? Accessible voting procedures
How do I vote from overseas? Forms and links to vote as Absent Uniformed-Service or Overseas Citizens
When are the next elections where I can vote? Here are Upcoming Virginia elections
If I’m a student at a preparatory school, college or university in Virginia, how do I vote? Here’s what you need to know.
More questions? Visit the Virginia Department of Elections.
Sample ballots and candidate lists for upcoming elections
Disability services for voters in Fairfax
Work as a Fairfax Election Page if you’re a High School Student
Printable Virginia Voter Registration Application
Printable Virginia Absentee Ballot Application
How to work as a paid Fairfax Election Officer , and FAQ with training schedules. You can Apply online to be a Fairfax Election Officer