Fairfax County Unveils ‘COVID Memorial’ Design – At High Taxpayer Expense, Of Course

This article originally appeared here, at mrctv.org

Anyone know where I can find a statue of Typhoid Mary? Or an obelisk to the Bubonic Plague? If any such thing exists, it’s so little known and so infrequently visited that I can’t think of it off the top of my head.

Nevertheless, Fairfax County, just west of Washington, D.C., has unveiled its newest concept for its proposed “COVID Memorial,” which will honor people who died of the respiratory flu and the health care professionals who helped them.

Why are your tax dollars going to pay for this? Another fantastic question. And if you’re looking for where in the constitution – state or federal – it says the government is responsible for taking your money and using it to fund their ridiculous political art projects, you can probably find it right next to the directions to the Smallpox Monument.

Ignoring the part where they actually have no right to steal the public’s money and shower it on art, Fairfax politicians and bureaucrats have apparently expanded their original intent to honor COVID victims and widened it to include a focus on “the important of mental health.”

FFXNow explains that “The memorial, which began as a way to honor those lost during the pandemic, has evolved into a broader vision of a peaceful space for reflection and recognition of the importance of mental health for both the general public and local government workers who respond to emergencies, according to the application.”

A Fairfax County spokesperson told FFXnow, “Its purpose has grown from solely honoring those lost in the pandemic to creating a peaceful space that recognizes those who work to support the mental and physical health of our community.”

Well that makes it all better, then.

The project, entitled “Circles of Memory,” will look something like this, as seen in the county’s latest renderings:

It’s not clear exactly how much the county will spend on the giant white virus wall, but the application process for local artists to bid on the project, which opened in 2023, advertised a $200,000 “artist fee” to include “design, materials, fabrication, insurance, travel, packing, shipping, installation and a maintenance plan for the artwork.”

To install the memorial, the county will also need “a review to ensure the project meets zoning requirements and that any changes would comply with stormwater management objectives.” Which, I’m sure, won’t be free.

In the meantime, Fairfax County, which has experienced an uptick in illegal alien gang activity including an increased MS-13 presence, saw a 25% increase in crimes against people and property between 2019 and 2023, including a concerning rise in auto thefts.

Not that the idiots spending the taxpayer money actually care.

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