Fairfax County School Board: “There They Go Again”

Image Credit: Pixabay

There they go again. More school name changes; cutting out the public’s voice; and planning boundary policy changes with their partisan agenda.

Billions of dollars of our money are being spent by people on the Fairfax County School Board who do not possess any commonsense views, ethics, or values.

They will continue — gladly — to take our money and spend it to advance their agenda, unless or until something changes.

The call is to battle. For our children. For common sense. For the rule of law, the Constitution, and liberty. To preserve what is held most dear, before it is eroded and erased by a School Board bent on doing so and with our own money.

In the words of the inimitable G.K. Chesterton:  “There is a corollary to the conception of being too proud to fight. It is that the humble have to do most of the fighting … War is not ‘the best way of settling differences;’ it is the only way of preventing their being settled for you.”

While we don’t need to go to war, we need to do the proverbial modern-day equivalent:  go to the voting booth. We deserve a School Board that will promote a focus on academic success, the protection of children, the sanctity of family and parental rights, and respect of our taxpayer dollars. The legacy of an over-reaching and non-responsive School Board needs to end.

The School Board’s mission should be to produce graduates who are well-educated, intellectually curious, law-abiding, contributing members of our society. They should focus on rigor and content mastery, not whether our children are “global citizens” or have the “correct” worldview.

We need a School Board which does not sieve every decision through a virtue-signaling, collectivist value system like “One Fairfax,” which promotes dividing versus building; emphasizes groupthink versus learned individuals; and champions coercive redistribution rather than broad-based growth for all.

There is power in our voices if we show up for candidates who pledge to represent us. Podiums are filling in California (California!) with citizens exclaiming at their School Boards that “enough is enough!”

Before we arrive at the absolute brink, the call goes out to the citizens of Fairfax to do the same:  support and elect principled, commonsense people for School Board.

This is not some trifling local election. Our county alone is more populous than Alaska, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Montana, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming. We have the nation’s 20th largest school system; the School Board employs over 42,000 full and part-time employees and controls well over $3 billion of our taxpayer monies annually.

Blare the trumpets to everyone you know with this message:  get a new responsive and responsible School Board by supporting these candidates now and on Election Day!

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