The election is over, and we succeeded in Turning Virginia Red last week – Hooray!
However, the hard work has just begun, and as Saul Alinsky, author of the Left’s playbook, Rules for Radicals, so succinctly put it in Rule #8 – KEEP THE PRESSURE ON!
You are invited to a Rally on Capitol Hill next Tuesday, November 16th at 10 AM, sponsored by the Independent Women’s Forum. Check out the speakers, including many of our “local” education and parental rights heroes like Asra Nomani, Ian Prior, Larry O’Connor, Stacy Langton, Xi Van Fleet, and Harry Jackson. There will also be several members of Congress speaking.
When: Tuesday, November 16 @ 10:00 AM
Where: Next to the Capitol, Washington DC (permit pending)
Why: Because our KIDS and our COUNTRY deserve better!
RSVP and more info: iwnetwork.com/parentrally