Fairfax Republicans,
I, Steven M. Knotts, Chairman of the Fairfax County Republican Committee, hereby call a General Membership Meeting to be held ONLINE at 7:30 PM on on Tuesday, May 18, 2021.
Immediately following adjournment of the General Membership Meeting, I will remain on the call for the Chairman’s Round Table. This is an opportunity to ask any questions you may have or raise issues that may not have been covered in the General Membership Meeting.
Please register as soon as possible but no later than 5 PM on May 18, 2021!
GoToWebinar allows for both video and voice conference participation. I believe that your experience will be better using the video conference, but both allow for your official participation in all of the planned activities, including official votes.
Should you decide to dial-in rather than using the video option, you MUST log into the event online in order to receive the AUDIO PIN. Without the PIN, we will NOT be able to unmute your phone to speak.
Registration can be completed using this LINK. More detailed information and connection instructions will be provided to registered attendees. You may also register by going to the link on the FairfaxGOP Calendar.
Should you wish to speak to one of the issues being considered or make an announcement, we MUST receive an email from you BEFORE the meeting begins. Please send to chairman@fairfaxgop.org.
The agenda for the meeting follows:
7:30 PM: Call to Order
7:31 PM: Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance, Republican Creed
7:35 PM: Approval of Meeting Minutes and New Members
7:40 PM: Treasurer’s Report
7:45 PM: State Convention Debrief
7:55 PM: Guest Speaker(s)
8:45 PM: Announcements
9:00 PM: Adjourn Meeting / Begin Chairman’s Round Table
9:30 PM: End Chairman’s Round Table
Agenda subject to change.