*rescheduled* ACAT Exposes Communist / Socialist Influence on Education, FCRC Meeting, 1/15 at 7:30PM

ALERT:  Jan. 15 FCRC meeting has been is canceled due to weather conditions
Fairfax County Republican Committee
Membership Meeting, Tuesday 1/15 

The Anticommunism Action Team (ACAT) will review how communist/socialist ideology and tactics have adversely influenced American education at the Fairfax County Republican Committee meeting scheduled for 7:30 – 8:45 PM on Tuesday, January 15, at the James Madison High School Auditorium, 2500 James Madison Drive, Vienna, VA 22181.

The Anticommunism Action Team is an independent, unaffiliated grassroots group of concerned citizens. Its mission is “to discredit communist ideology and counter communist influence here and abroad.”   Led by Chris Wright, a lawyer and liberty activist, the group offers experienced speakers, news updates, opinion articles, videos, an informative website, and even a college course—all focused on exposing “the false allure of communism.”
At our FCRC meeting, Mr. Wright and journalist Alex Newman (via video) will examine:
  • The role of committed socialist and humanist John Dewey in shaping America’s public school system.
  • Charlotte Iserbyt’s heroic work in unearthing evidence of American education betrayal that she documented in her book, “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America.”
  • How American education has been taken over by the Left.

Come to the FCRC meeting and hear how the Left’s takeover of America’s education system is harming our children and setting the stage for future cultural and political upheaval in our country.

In this year when Fairfax County residents are electing School Board officials, don’t miss this exposé of how socialism has insidiously influenced our schools over time and harmed our future and current citizens.

Don’t forget to bring to the meeting a Republican friend or neighbor who might be willing to help our cause.

Chris Wright Background.  Chris Wright is an independent liberty activist who travels in Tea Party and libertarian circles. Anticommunism is one of his main areas of focus. He started the Anticommunism Action Team (ACAT) to counter communist influence here and abroad. ACAT’s Speakers Bureau has been on the radio in several states, in front of classrooms and groups, and at the Leadership Institute training academy.


Alex Newman Background.   Alex Newman grew up in Latin America, Europe, and Africa. He has a Bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Florida and is a regular contributor to The New American, Freedom Project, and WND.  Mr.. Newman is co-author of the book Crimes of the Educators:  How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children.

School Parking and Directions to Auditorium. The FCRC meeting will take place in James Madison High School’s Auditorium.

Use entrance #12 (see map) to enter the school.

Parking is available in the main parking area in front of the school, along James Madison Drive, and off the dirt road to the left of James Madison Drive just before entering the main parking area.

Extra parking is available behind the school (see map).

Check-in for the meeting will be in the hallway in front of the auditorium, which is where snacks will be served.

James Madison High School Map
Fairfax County Republican Committee, 4246 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax VA 22030
Paid for and Authorized by Fairfax County Republican Committee and Not Authorized by Any Candidate or Candidate’s Committee.

You can check out ACAT’s website here:  The Spider and the Fly 
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