The Fairfax County Office of Elections needs more Republican Election Officers. Our Party is entitled to 50% of all EOs in every precinct but we have fallen woefully short in the past few years. Countywide at the 2017 election, Republicans accounted for only 31.5% of all EOs, continuing a downward trend since 2013. In each year, there have been precincts with ZERO Republican coverage. If Republicans come up short, so-called “independents” and wait-listed Democrats fill the gap.
The Office of Elections has extended the cut-off date for filling Republican EO slots to Monday, October 15. This cut-off means that interested Republicans have applied AND come into the Office of Elections at the Government Center to complete the paperwork required to be an EO, an I-9 tax form specifying status as a part-time, seasonal employee of Fairfax County. The applicant then takes an oath notarized by County personnel for no charge and must schedule and attend one 3-hour training session, which includes a break halfway through it.
Election Officers may work a full day but can work half days. Our Party cannot afford to be underrepresented at voting locations; we need to do our part to ensure fair and honest elections. Please call 703-324-4735 or go to the County’s website at Please consider becoming an Election Officer; it IS important.