With early voting under way, scandal has engulfed the office of Democrat Congressman Don Beyer (VA-08). National Review’s Jimmy Quinn broke the story Friday afternoon.
A member of Beyer’s staff was allegedly facilitating “interactions” between Chinese officials and congressional offices “on foreign-policy and national-security matters,” Quinn reported. The staffer in question was fired last week as the result of these “highly inappropriate” actions.
Republican Karina Lipsman, who is running against Beyer, issued the following statement via Twitter on Saturday:
News broke yesterday that my opponent’s Congressional office has significant ties to the Chinese embassy.
Rep. Beyer has been compromised. That’s the reality.
I spent 14 years in the U.S. defense/intel communities, and I can tell you that the reports of China ties in Rep. Beyer’s office are a serious problem.
This must be investigated thoroughly by law enforcement and Congress.
Beyer is on committees with international jurisdiction and access to sensitive information.
He should be removed from those committees immediately. His access to possibly sensitive information must end immediately.
VA-08 is full of current and former national security professionals. We have the Pentagon, and the CIA. We have many defense contractors.
This district, probably more than any other, keeps America safe.
We can’t afford to have a question mark in office representing us.
I’ve held top-level security clearances for over a decade. I’m ready on Day One to step in and effectively represent this district.
I’ve spent this campaign telling #VA08 voters why I would be better at the job than Beyer.
This is just the latest example.
For more information about me and my campaign, please go to KarinaforCongress.com.
You’ll find more information about my background, upbringing, and qualifications for this job.
I can tell you right now: you won’t be left with a question mark representing you.