Republicans in the 36th District of the Virginia House of Delegates will hold a convention at 9:00 AM on Saturday, June 8, in the Reston Community Center (2310 Colts Neck Road, Reston, Virginia 20191).
The purpose of the convention is to nominate a Republican candidate for the office of Delegate to run in the general election scheduled for Tuesday, November 5.
Only Republicans in the 36th Delegate District can participate in the convention. The Fairfax County precincts in the 36th Delegate District follow:
Hunter Mill District: Armstrong, Flint Hill, Reston #1, Reston #2, Dogwood, Hunters Woods, Reston #3, Glade, South Lakes, Hughes, Sunrise Valley, North Point, Aldrin, Frying Pan, McNair, Cameron Glen
Sully District: Difficult Run
Read the official call here; you can find out what your precinct is here.