Sample Text for Cross-over 2024 email to Delegates Dear Delegate, I write to ask you to vote NO on the following 8 bills. Each of these Democrat-sponsored bills that have passed the Senate damages our ability to keep Virginia elections secure, fair, and accountable to Virginia voters.Ê Your opposition to these bills will send a strong message to Governor Youngkin to veto them all if they pass. Please show your support for election integrity by voting NO on these bills: SB 196 - Voter registration; list maintenance data standards, challenges to a voter's registration. (Restricts General Registrar abilities to perform voter roll maintenance and to use certain sources of information for voter roll maintenance.) SB 246 - Limited-duration licenses and driver privilege cards and permits; extends validity. (Eliminates identifying features used to distinguish between citizen and non-citizen state-issued driver's permits and special ID cards) SB 270 - Presidential primaries; ranked choice voting. (Institutes Ranked Choice Voting in Presidential Primaries. We oppose Ranked Choice Voting for all elections including primaries.) SB 300 - Voter registration; list maintenance activities, required identification information. (Multiple Issues with quality of list maintenance) SB 315 - Voter registration; registration of Department of Motor Vehicles customers, automatic update. (All DMV interactions will automatically update an individual's voter registration records without consent or option to opt-out) SB 364 - Elections; protection of election officials, penalty. (Without specific definitions of 24.2-1000 terms such as threaten, intimidate, harass, and coerce, the use of a criminal charge for those actions as a precursor for a civil lawsuit is an invitation to lawfare in possible violation of the First Amendment.) SB 428 - Elections; allows for any local or constitutional office to be conducted by ranked choice voting. (Expands Ranked Choice Voting in local races. We oppose Ranked Choice Voting for all elections.) SB 606 - Voter registration; list maintenance, data sharing. (Re-enters Virginia into ERIC (the Electronic Registration Information Center) membership agreement, exposing private info to 3rd parties and compromising list maintenance) I am a Virginia resident and registered voter, and I thank you for your leadership and service in the General Assembly. Sincerely, [YOUR NAME] [YOUR ADDRESS]