We Need Election Officers

Polling Place Sign

Please Apply to be an Election Officer for the November 2018 Election

As everyone knows, elections are coming up in November.  The winning candidates will have a direct and critical impact on the direction our nation will take.  Republican winners would add to the support that President Trump could count on for things like additional tax cuts, effective immigration law enforcement to include building The Wall, confirmation of judicial nominees, and whether the United States will continue to lead the world through strength. Most Democrats in Congress voted against the President’s tax cuts, want open borders, are obstructing the President’s nominees to the courts, and want a return to the pathetic past practice of “leading from behind,” a euphemism for following other countries’ lead in shaping world events.  Elections do have consequences.

Eight years of Barack Obama and Democrats in positions of power weakened this country and has led to a much less safe world.  Who can forget ISIS being called a junior varsity team while it devastated the Middle East and sent its terrorist cowards around the globe?  That pack of murderers is soon to become extinct, largely due to President Trump’s leadership from the front.

We, as a Party, must not let the Left undo all the wonderful things that our President has accomplished in the past 18 months with the help of Republicans in Congress all the while meeting unified and unwavering opposition and obstruction from Democrats.

Elections decide who next will take seats in Congress. For these elections to reflect the will of The People accurately, they must be fair and honest.  If humans were saints, there would be no need to monitor the vote, but we are not perfect so the position of Election Officer (EO) was created.  EOs are the people who ask for identification on election day, update voter participation records in the computer database, and give you your ballot.

This is a paid position:  $175 for a full day’s work and $87.50 if you prefer to work only a half day.  In all likelihood you can work in your local precinct; on occasion some EOs may be asked to work in adjoining precincts, but no one can force you to do so.  The county is implementing a new online registration system. Please complete and submit the brief, one-page application found at www.vote4fairfax.com/apply  After completion, the Office of Elections will be in touch with you about serving in 2018 and the next steps to become a certified Election Officer.  The clock is ticking, and the time to do this is now.

Each political Party is entitled to 50% of the EOs in each one of the 244 precincts/voting locations in Fairfax County.  While Democrats always manage virtual full staffing County-wide, the Republican Party was only been able to field 31.5% out of its allotted 50% in 2017. There were even a few precincts with zero Republican coverage.  When Republican EOs are in short supply, “Independents” (or are they Democrats in disguise?) make up the shortage.

This is your chance to help protect the integrity of elections and get paid for it.  PLEASE consider helping.

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