Virginia House of Delegates Majority Leader Todd Gilbert: Virginia Gun Rights in Jeopardy

Virginia House of Delegates Majority Leader Todd Gilbert sounded a warning for gun owners at the recent NRA Annual meeting, as reported by the Virginia Shooting Sports Association:

During last weekend’s NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits,  NRATV host Cam Edwards ran into Virginia House of Delegates Majority Leader Todd Gilbert of the exhibit floor.  Delegate Gilbert talked about how after the 2017 off-year elections, Virginia went from a two-thirds pro-gun majority to a one vote majority in the House of Delegates.

With an anti-gun Governor, Lt. Governor, and Attorney General, everything is at stake for gun owners. Gilbert said it shows how energized and organized the progressive left is. They hate President Trump so much they turned out while gun owners stayed at home. They want “universal background checks,” a firearms registry, one-gun-a-month and outright bans of semi-auto long guns.

He said it’s not enough to vote. Gun owners must talk to their friends and family to make sure they turn out to vote for pro-gun candidates in the fall.  If we don’t start working now to protect and expand the pro-gun majorities in the Virginia Senate and House of Delegates, with a snap of the finger, much like the Marvel character Thanos in the current blocker buster movie Avengers Infinity War, Virginia will become California or worse, New Jersey, when it comes to gun laws.


Reprinted with permission from Virginia Shooting Sports Association

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