Virginia House Defeats ERA Shenanigans

We received the following news alert via Phyllis Schlafly Eagles… 

Moments ago, the Virginia House of Delegates defeated the renewed push for the Equal Rights Amendment in that state. For weeks, ERA supporters have been pushing ridiculous shenanigans and rules changes to force through ERA against the will of the people and the legislative process. The House – in their final hours of session – voted down this last-minute attempt at rules changes.

“Virginia Delegates acted swiftly and correctly this morning in defeating once and for all the ridiculous attempts to resurrect ERA in their state,” said Ed Martin, president of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles. “ERA is long expired, and the attempts to revive this effort are not only useless but very dangerous. Phyllis Schlafly proved long ago that the ERA was a very bad deal for American women, and the country agreed with her. Thank you to the Virginia House of Delegates for putting an end to these ridiculous liberal antics.”

We are particularly grateful for the leadership of Virginia Speaker of the House Kirk Cox, Majority Leader Todd Gilbert, Delegate Margaret Ransone, and the members of the House Privileges and Elections Committee. We are also grateful for the wonderful leadership of former Del. Bob Marshall, who spearheaded the effort against this!

These citizen and legislative leaders have done a great service to the legacy of Phyllis Schlafly in rejecting one of the greatest modern assaults on the rights of American women.

Image credit: Pixabay

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