Republican Volunteers Needed for Vote Canvass on Wed, Nov. 7


The Election will not be completed on Election Day. On Wednesday, November 7, the election continues with a Vote Canvass of the results reported on election night from the precincts.

The Vote Canvass consists of a detailed review of the paperwork submitted from each precinct to determine that the reported results are correct. (Only the paperwork is examined and the paper ballots are not recounted).

Occasionally, mathematical and transcription errors will be found and the results from a precinct will be changed. In a close election, this could influence the overall results, so this Canvass is critical.

Virginia law states the two political parties are allowed to observe the senior Election Officers who will be conducting the paperwork reviews. VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO OBSERVE THIS PAPERWORK REVIEW FOR THE FCRC to ensure that this work is done properly. We will provide instructions to the volunteers, detailing the process and identifying the critical information that must be correct.

The Vote Canvass will be in the Conference Center Room 2/3 on the main floor of the Fairfax County Government Center, 12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax 22035.

It will start at 9:00 AM on Wednesday, November 7. The Canvass will be from 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon and then resume at 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM.  It may continue on to Thursday, if needed.

While the paperwork from every primary will be reviewed, the precincts in the 10th Congressional District in Fairfax County will be first reviewed, so it is important that we have volunteers available starting at 9:00 AM on Wednesday.

During this entire process we will need 12 volunteers at all times although as a volunteer you may commit to whatever time period you wish. The Canvass is an “open meeting” with no authorization required.

If you are interested in helping the FCRC at the Vote Canvass, please call the FCRC office at 703-766-4467 or send an email to Please give us your contact information and what time period you would like.

Fairfax County Republican Committee, 4246 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax VA 22030
Paid for and Authorized by Fairfax County Republican Committee and Not Authorized by Any Candidate or Candidate’s Committee
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