Join the FCRC Pep Rally Breakfast with Guest Speaker E.W. Jackson, October 27, 9:30AM

EW Jackson
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FCRC Pep Rally Breakfast
Featuring E.W. Jackson as Guest Speaker

9:30 – 11:30 AM, Saturday, October 27
Pender Professional Center
3901 Fair Ridge Drive, Fairfax, VA 22033

Join Virginia’s most inspiring orator, Pastor E.W. Jackson, and fellow Republicans at a pre-election pep rally to root on our candidates for the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. See Mr. Jackson’s bio and the event announcement below.


The continued success of the Trump Administration in making America great again rests on the GOP maintaining control of both houses of Congress. That’s only possible if Republicans get out and vote for Republican candidates.

All of us must do whatever we can to maximize Republican turnout at the polls.There’s a role for all of us to play, whether it be door knocking, phone calling or texting, handing out Republican literature at the polls, serving as election officers or poll watchers, or just working on family members and friends to vote on November 6.

One way to help the cause is to attend the FCRC Pep Rally Breakfast and send a strong message to our candidates that Fairfax County Republicans appreciate and support their unflagging efforts to win. Our commitment to them will help inspire them during the final stretch drive to election day.

Moreover, your donations for this event will help FCRC fund election day literature and other materials boosting our candidates.

Come on out, listen to an electrifying Republican orator, demonstrate your personal commitment to our candidates, and enjoy the fellowship of like-minded Republicans. Please join us!

E.W. Jackson Bio. E.W. Jackson was born in Chester, Pennsylvania. He joined the United States Marine Corps in 1970 and was honorably discharged in 1973. He went on to graduate Summa Cum Laude with a Phi Beta Kappa Key from the University of Massachusetts at Boston in 1975, and from Harvard Law School in 1978. While in law school, he studied at Harvard Divinity School and was licensed as a Baptist minister. He was ordained in 1979 and consecrated a Bishop in 1998.

He practiced small business law for 15 years in Boston, and taught Business, Commercial and Regulatory Law at the college and graduate levels.
He is the Founder of THE CALLED CHURCH in Chesapeake, Virginia and S.T.A.N.D. – Staying True to America’s National Destiny, a nonprofit foundation with a national mission to bring Americans together across racial and cultural lines to preserve our Judeo- Christian values and heritage. Through his church, he founded the Chesapeake Martin Luther King Leadership Breakfast and the William Jackson YouthCenter.

He is the author of two books:  Ten Commandments to an Extraordinary Life and 12 Principles to Make Your Life Extraordinary.
He has been a guest on Fox & Friends, The O’Reilly Factor, Neil Cavuto, Lou Dobbs, Megyn Kelly, CBN World News, ABC’s Good Morning America, C-Span’s Washington Journal, ABC Radio Network, National Public Radio, and other media. His articles have been featured in the Washington Times, American Thinker, Western Journalism, American Family Association, The Stream, and other publications.

Bishop Jackson won the Republican nomination for Lt. Governor of Virginia in 2013 and was a candidate for U.S. Senate.

He and his wife, Theodora, have been married for 47 years, have three children, and reside in Suffolk, Virginia.

Fairfax County Republican Committee, 4246 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax VA 22030
Paid for and Authorized by Fairfax County Republican Committee and Not Authorized by Any Candidate or Candidate’s Committee
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