Virginia House of Delegates Speaker Kirk Cox released the following statement Tuesday after CNBC awarded Virginia with the top spot as the nation’s Best State for Business:
“There’s no secret behind Virginia’s climb to the top of the rankings this year. Our highly-educated workforce, our business-friendly regulatory environment, low taxes, and our ongoing commitment to education make our Commonwealth a great place for any business, from a mom-and-pop startup to the Fortune 500.”
“CNBC specifically cited Republican initiatives in their report. We provided nearly $1 billion in tax relief to working families, championed the bi-partisan legislation to cut burdensome business regulations by 25 percent, gave our teachers a 5 percent raise, put the brakes on college tuition hikes for the first time in 20 years, and put an emphasis on workforce training and college degrees that businesses actually need.
“The ranking comes despite policy proposals from Democrats that would have set Virginia back. We blocked more than $17.9 billion in bad business bills that would have killed 156,000 jobs, including an energy tax scheme that would significantly increase electricity rates and the Democratic bill to repeal the right-to-work law that protects employees from mandatory union membership.
“The stakes are high for Virginia. The narrow, 51-49 Republican majority in the House of Delegates is the only thing standing between the Commonwealth and unchecked Democratic control of state government. They will enact policies that cost Virginia its top business ranking, while Republicans will continue to promote an agenda that creates good paying jobs, lifts people out of poverty, and fortifies our already strong economy.”