Every Day is a New Low

osama & dan

Just when you think the Democrat Party has hit rock bottom, they begin to drill deeper.  The latest successful effort at self-flagellation is a slanderous and bizarre TV advertisement by the Democrat candidate for Congress from the 10th Congressional District of Virginia, Dan Helmer.  In his political ad, Helmer narrates that the biggest threat to our democracy since Osama Bin Laden is President Trump. He really said that!  See for yourself at link below.

This Democrat touts himself as an Iraq combat veteran—thank you for your service, Sir—but it appears he may have suffered a blow to the head or some other injury that has distorted his judgment. First off, we do not live in a Democracy; we live in a constitutional Republic. Putting that aside, wasn’t it Barack Hussein Obama who unconstitutionally opened the border to illegal aliens via his Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents ( DAPA) programs?  Wasn’t it Obama who blatantly lied to America when he said we could keep our doctors and keep our health insurance plans when trying to sell the public on Obamacare.  Didn’t he also bypass Congress in making a doomed-to-fail deal with Iranians and paid them off in secret with pallets of American money?

  It is President Trump who wants to keep Americans safe by building a wall on our porous southern border and by ejecting from our country people who broke the law by sneaking in.

We could go on and on but the point is clear.  In the meanwhile, it is President Donald Trump who has decimated ISIS and is soon to wipe it off the face of the Earth, as promised.  It is President Trump who has brought North Korea to the negotiating table and who has finally addressed the massive intellectual theft of American products, ideas, and processes perpetrated by our “friends” in China.

It is President Trump who has given America its biggest tax cut ever and reduced unemployment to historic lows.  It is President Trump who wants to keep Americans safe by building a wall on our porous southern border and by ejecting from our country people who broke the law by sneaking in.  It is President Trump who has put China, Russia, and other countries’ leaders on notice that they will no longer make fools of us with lopsided trade deals.  By the way, NATO countries will be paying their fair share of costs to defend themselves against attack.  President Trump is a threat alright, a threat to foreign powers that took advantage of foolish past Presidents for far too long.

It’s amazing how any graduate of West Point such as Dan Helmer could miss all of this.  Even worse, since it is unlikely he was unaware of the shenanigans (to be polite) listed above, it’s despicable that he would ignore reality and sound like a CNN or MSNBC reporter feeding us fake news.  Worse still is that an American political party, the Democrat Party, would allow such desperate malarkey to actually be aired on television.

As a Rhodes Scholar, Helmer gives that venerable institution and program a bad name. Hopefully, he will soon be a hit-the road “scholar.”


Video Attribution:  Fox News

Photos Attribution:  screenshots from featured Fox News video

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