11AM(ET) – Gather outside of Washington Surgi-Clinic Abortion Center (2112 F Street NW, 20037)
Professional dress code: wear a suit (priests in clerics)
No signs outside abortion center or during March. We will have one banner to express our clear, unified message: Let’s Stop Murdering Our Preborn Children. In every time and every place, murdering innocent human beings is wrong and must be outlawed.
We are calling on our nation to repent and begin again, to rightly recognize the value of every innocent human being by enshrining the right to life for the preborn into federal law.
We will march in the non-violent protest manner of MLK to the rally site outside of the White House in Lafayette Park.
Signs are welcome at the rally site and you can drop them off before the March, after 10am.
Featured speakers include: Msgr. Charles Pope, Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, Walter Hoye, Michael Hichborn, Rev. Dr. Clenard H Childress, Dr. Anthony Levatino, Dr. Alan Keyes, and Dr. Michael New.
The entire event is estimated to be 2.5-3 hours.