When: Wednesday, January 15 – Thursday, January 16
Where: Richmond Marriott, 500 East Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23219
Registration: CLICK HERE
Ticket Cost:
Member ticket – $75 ($10 late fee after 1/10)
Guest ticket – $75 ($10 late fee after 1/10)
Must register to attend. Ticket price includes hot breakfast buffet. (VFRW Members and their Republican guests will be verified. We reserve the right to offer a refund to unverified individuals.)
Schedule Of Events:
Wednesday, January 15th
Evening – VFRW Regent Member reception at the Richmond Marriott. This is an exclusive reception for VFRW Regent Members only. You may purchase a Regent membership at time of registration. Click here for more information.
8:00 PM – Welcome reception open to all Legislative Day registrants at the Richmond Marriott. (Optional)
Thursday, January 16th
7:30 AM – Check-In Opens – Richmond Marriott Lower Level
8:15 AM – Hot breakfast buffet opens.
8:45 AM – Legislative Day Program
10:00 AM – Group Picture – Breakout to advocate to representatives at the General Assembly Building (201 N. 9th Street – shuttle pending).
Advocacy Topics:
Job Creation – Advocating for legislation that encourages job creation or against legislation that inhibits it. These bills will go before the committee of Commerce and Labor in both chambers.
Safe Communities – Supporting legislation that aids Local Police, State Police, and Sheriffs’ Offices for them to effectively and safely serve the communities. Public Safety Committee in the House and Judiciary in the Senate
Quality Education – We will target legislation that either encourages or denies school choice as well as bills that may encroach on the Governor’s model policy. Education Committee in both the House and Senate
Life – Advocating against the passage of House Joint Resolution 1 (HJ1) which is a proposal to amend the Virginia Constitution to enshrine the “right to reproductive freedom” thus prohibiting the passage of any abortion restrictions in the future. Privileges and Elections Committee House
Other – Is there a topic or piece of legislation that you are passionate about? Share it with a legislative day co-chair (contact info above).