Update: The Braddock Magisterial District Mass Meeting of the Fairfax County Republican Committee of the Republican Party of Virginia on May 11 is CANCELLED.
As Chairman of the Fairfax County Republican Committee of the Republican Party of Virginia, and pursuant to The Plan of Organization and as recommended and directed by the Committee, I, Tim Hannigan, do hereby cancel the MASS MEETING of the BRADDOCK MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT that was to be held at West Springfield Government Center, 6140 Rolling Road, Springfield, Virginia 22152, at 10:00 AM on May 11.
Only one candidate, Jason Remer, filed a written statement of intent with the required filing fee by the filing deadline of 5:00 PM, April 19, 2019. Per the Call for the Mass Meeting, Jason Remer is the Republican nominee for Supervisor from Braddock Magisterial District, the seat currently held by Supervisor John Cook.
The Fairfax County Republican Committee of the Republican Party of Virginia will hold a mass meeting at 10:00 AM on Saturday, May 11, in the West Springfield Government Center (6140 Rolling Road).
The purpose of the meeting is to nominate a Republican candidate for the office of Supervisor to run in the general election scheduled for Tuesday, November 5.
Only Republicans in Braddock District can participate in the mass meeting.
We are looking for volunteers to support the mass meeting. Anyone interested in helping out should contact info@fairfaxgop.org.
For the official call, click here.