53rd Delegate District Republicans will hold a mass meeting at 7:00 PM on Monday, May 20, in Meeting Room #1, Thomas Jefferson Library (7415 Arlington Boulevard, Falls Church, Virginia).
The purpose of the meeting is to nominate a Republican candidate for the office of Delegate to run in the general election scheduled for Tuesday, November 5.
Only Republicans in the 53rd Delegate District can participate in the mass meeting. The Fairfax County precincts in the 53rd Delegate District follow:
Dranesville District: Pimmit, Westhampton
Mason District: Camelot, Walnut Hill
Providence District: Fort Buffalo, Graham-Greenway, Marshall, Pine Spring, Shreve, Timber Lane, Walker, Woodburn, Pine Ridge, Merrifield, Gallows East
The 53rd District also includes the City of Falls Church.
Click here to find your precinct; click here to read the official call.